Revealing Leadership Potential: S.E.A.L.S. Training - the Gateway to Scouting Excellence

S.E.A.L.S training this upcoming May is the perfect opportunity for scouts to get their first taste of leadership. In fact, this training can help close the gap to NYLT, which requires the rank of First Class. 

So what exactly is S.E.A.L.S, a program offered almost exclusively by our Palmetto Council? 

S.E.A.L.S (Scouts Excited About Leadership Skills), is a program designed to aid scouts who have achieved their Tenderfoot rank. It provides Scouts with a solid foundation for leadership skills, enabling them to take on certain roles in a troop. It paves the way for Scouting’s more advanced programs like NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training).

S.E.A.L.S proved to be particularly beneficial, offering an introduction to leadership concepts. It equips Scouts with the fundamental skills of communication, planning, and interpersonal skills that are used even up till an Eagle Scout project. These skills are especially invaluable for roles in a troop post—S.E.A.L.S.

A highlight of S.E.A.L.S training is the emphasis on SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. At the program's conclusion, each Scout is tasked with creating a goal to enhance their troop. 

When I participated in S.E.A.L.S., my goal was to "assist the scouts in the new patrol of my troop in achieving their Scout rank within two months of joining." This commitment led to multiple sessions with the new patrol of my troop, where I applied the knowledge gained from S.E.A.L.S, to practice my leadership skills in practical scenarios. That is what makes S.E.A.L.S different from most introductory leadership courses. A scout is expected to put their learning into practice. 

Reflecting on those efforts, the scouts I worked with have now attained First Class rank and beyond. I was able to help them using the leadership skills and goals I created during my training. 

For scouts contemplating whether to attend S.E.A.L.S., the uncertainty is not uncommon. Having been in that position, attending S.E.A.L.S set me on the right trajectory for my Scouting experience. I am immensely grateful for the training, and I wholeheartedly encourage fellow scouts to seize the opportunity for personal and leadership growth that S.E.A.L.S. offers.

- Navneeth Nalajala

Eagle Scout, Troop 130